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  • Places to visit
    The railway station

    La Ferté-Saint-Aubin station opened in 1847, it used to be very busy.
    On April 1852, the station welcomed the prince Louis Napoléon on his way back from a short
    journey in Sologne; he was then the Président de la République Française, but emperor to-be.

    In front of the station, the square had been then very busy, with no less than three cafés, a
    grocer’s shop which stored wines, and a wine merchant.
    The boulevard Maréchal-Foch links the station to the city center. It was previously named "Boulevard du chemin de fer"; It was ided by plane-trees which were felled down in 1942

    On the east side of the place, the "Espace Madeleine Sologne", - named after a film and theater actress born in Sologne, and famous in the 1940’s – is a multi-purpose hall. It took the place of smelting works “Les Fonderies de Sologne” which had kept the square alive from 1875 to 1983.